M2LBA Alpha - UI Recap

  M2LBA User Interface (Alpha) Just before I begin the system migration process, I thought It would be a good idea to briefly recap what end users should expect for the user interface of the current development version of Mega Mixable Live: Baltica (M2LBA) Alpha , and how it differs from the M2L titles on the market. This has been discussed here too: Yes, it is true that M2LBA draws its inspiration from the codebase of M2L. However, the intention was not just to create something that was an artistic variant, but also to add new functionality where necessary. As a result of that, I arrived at what I'm calling the ' Alpha ' version of the deck interface, as I feel that this will serve as a foundation to further changes before release. Based on the image above, we will now explore the current UI following the numbers: 1) HUD Section: The HUD ( Heads-up Display ) for the M2LBA deck looks significantly different from what we've seen in M2L. It now adopts a minimalistic desi...

The old is new, and the new is old πŸ€” ?


" The new is old, and the old is new " ΓΈ§ (2021)
" The new is old, and the old is new " ΓΈ§ (2022) 

Branding is an essential part of any business. Be it a large corporation ? or a small independent company ? How you portray your brand to end-users will go into determining the recognition and consequently the success of your products/offerings.

Back in 2018, Mega Mixable Live (M2L) was born. It was published to all major mobile app stores on 07.07.2018. Prior to its release, there were numerous versions of what could have been the 'definitive typographical logo'. After many designs, various iterations, many revisions, and much deliberation, the following design was chosen:

Mega Mixable Live (M2L) Typographical Logo circa 2018
Mega Mixable Live (M2L) Typographical Logo circa 2018

At the time, the selection seemed just 'OK', but there was always that feeling that more could be done. The idea was to design a typographical logo that was simple, easily visually recognisable to end-users, but also had layers of complexity to it.

Fast forward to May 2022, and M2L saw a 'REVIVAL'. The 2022 revival of the M2L app was an effort to bring about many bug fixes and new features to it after 4 years of silence 😢 (sorry about that, life got in the way).The revival also brought forth a new typographical logo design. The aim of this new design was to capture a 'retro musical feeling' with the use of a pixelated font type. The motto also changed from 'Unleash the creative in YOU' to 'Revival is NOW !'. Here it is: 

Mega Mixable Live (M2L) Typographical Logo circa May 2022
Mega Mixable Live (M2L) Typographical Logo circa May 2022

And while this new design brought about many drastic changes to the overall branding of the app, there was still that feeling that more could be done...

Ladies and gentlemen, after 4 years of silence, and many design considerations & iterations for the Mega Mixable Live (M2L) typographical logo, Emperortech Limited has now arrived at what can be best described as the definitive typographical logo for M2L moving forward. This logo will be reflected in all future intellectual properties/titles under the Mega Mixable Live umbrella. Here it is:

Mega Mixable Live (M2L) Typographical Logo incorporating the M.2.L acronym. Circa November 2022
Mega Mixable Live (M2L) Typographical Logo incorporating the M.2.L acronym. Circa November 2022.

And the alternative version of the typographical logo with the acronym only:

Mega Mixable Live (M2L) Typographical Logo acronym only. Circa November 2022

And for Mega Mixable Live: EVOLUTION ?

Mega Mixable Live: EVOLUTION (M2LE) Typographical Logo incorporating the M.2.L.E acronym. Circa November 2022.
Mega Mixable Live: EVOLUTION (M2LE) Typographical Logo incorporating the M.2.L.E acronym. Circa November 2022.

And for Metal Mixable Live: REVOLUTION ?

Metal Mixable Live: REVOLUTION (M2L-R) Typographical Logo incorporating the M.2.L.R acronym. Circa November 2022.
Metal Mixable Live: REVOLUTION (M2L-R) Typographical Logo incorporating the M.2.L.R acronym. Circa November 2022.

A lot of thought went into these new designs, and there is a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction surrounding it.. Not only will it be the new logo reflected in all future M2L based apps, it will also be featured in the upcoming line of M2L branded apparel (more on that later). 

Those who are keen eyed would have already noticed the branding change on the official Instagram account and on this blog. 

The old is new, and the new is old . . . What does that really mean ?

What this means is that the old logo inspired the choice of typography for the new logo, therefore the new logo is derived from the old logo. 


If you haven't already done so ?

πŸ‘ˆ Please visit the sidebar and download M2L from your desired app store.

And don't forget to follow the official Instagram account for M2L (link in sidebar).

Thanks for reading, and stay creative.

CEO Emperortech Limited


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